Junior High ETNA service Weekend
Fri, Jun 04
|Kidder Creek Adventure Camp
Etna is a service weekend. We help Kidder Creek Camp get ready for their summer camps which includes a good day of work. We also play hard together with ultimate frisbee and mission impossible.

Time & Location
Jun 04, 2021, 2:30 PM – Jun 06, 2021, 6:30 PM
Kidder Creek Adventure Camp, 2700 S Kidder Creek Rd, Etna, CA 96027, USA
About the event
Hello CBC Jr high families,Just as a reminder from an earlier email that we have a CBC Jr high event coming up, the Etna trip. This is a service trip where we perform all sorts of service work to prepare Kidder Creek Orchard Camp for campers this summer. The camp is an extension of Mt Hermon Christian camps near the town of Etna, CA. We've been doing this service trip for over 30 years and it's definitely a highlight of the year for our group. This year we've got a few extra hoops to jump through to make the trip happen.Covid Testing:The first hurdle is getting our whole group covid tested the week of our trip (anytime after June 1), hopefully with all negative results. We'll collect the paperwork for the negative test results when we meet on Friday, June 4. If a student does not have paperwork for the covid test, negative results, they will not be allowed to go. This is for the sake of the camp and their good standing with the local authorities. I had hoped to figure out a group way to do this but in the end it's come down to each student getting their own test the week before we leave, we need the test result from a test done on or after June 1. One of the local testing facilities can be found here https://www.mynevadacounty.com/2979/Get-TestedI haven't gone through the testing procedure myself and realized when I tried to sign up that they only take appointments about a week out. Each of you may have other sources for this test which is great as long as it provides paperwork to give to camp. I know this is a burden and I appreciate the work each family gives to make this trip happen.Kidder Creek Liability form:The camp has their own liability and information form required of each student coming. The form is found herehttps://www.waiverfile.com/b/KidderCreek/Waiver.aspx?id=8afeb344-cee8-433d-a961-a895f67d31c1&direct=trueThis form will need to be submitted online or you can print it out and bring it signed the day we leave.CBC Liability form:Our own typical liability form is at the link below and we'll need a signed copy the day we meet to leave.https://c104b581-4a83-4ac2-81f5-363d3a4bbc44.filesusr.com/ugd/b9a671_e21511d70ede48ff99a373d67b968c3e.pdfFinancial help:Although this is not the most expensive trip we understand that sometimes finances are a deciding point for an event. Please don't let that be the case for this event. We have money set aside to assist all who need assistance, just let us know and we'll be glad to provide.If you have any questions on any of this please feel free to contact me and I'll be glad to clarify as I can. Also, I understand that these extra requirements may change the willingness or availability of some Jr highers to come on the trip. If that is the case for any of you please let me know so I can have a reliable list of who's coming for our planning purposes.It is a great privilege to spend time with your kids and we as a staff are eagerly looking forward to this amazing time together. Thank you for your part in sharing your child with our group.Your servants in Christ,Dave ThomasCBC Jr highcell - 530-575-1060Kirsten Thomascell - 530-615-1299
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