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Calvary Bible’s mission statement is to glorify God by making disciples of all nations.  At Calvary Bible Church we desire to see church and family work together in the discipleship of our children. We hold the Biblical teaching that parents are the primary faith trainer and teacher of their children, and the church supports and supplements a parent’s work. 

Family Faith Milestones

This is a discipleship strategy, not a program; a change in thinking and doing, not just adding. It is a way of life for a family, not something to add on to our way of life.

Milestones Defined

“An event, preceded by a period of instruction from parents which celebrates a spiritual development point in a child’s life.”

- Jim Weidman, Spiritual Milestones: A guide to Celebrating Your Children’s Spiritual Passages.

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...You shall love 

the Lord your God 

with all your heart 

and with all your soul 

and with all your might. 

And these words that I command 

you today shall be on your heart. 

You shall teach them diligently 

to your children...

Deut. 6:4–7 (ESV)

The Plan:
  • 6 Milestones ranging from Birth to High School Graduation

  • 3 Parent Ongoing Actions

  • Family Celebrations

  • Church Celebrations

3 Parent Ongoing Actions

Intentional Faith Talks

Begin to invest in your children through intentional faith talks.  Faith talks are intentional times set aside each week for conversations around the Scripture.  The earlier you begin, the sooner the pattern is set.  The faith talks are really the backbone to walking the path and opening up your family to spiritual discussions.


Capture God Moments

God Moments will begin to happen as you spend time with your children.  These are moments when you talk about “these truths” on the way.  When God brings an opportunity to share with your child or your child begins to ask the questions of faith and practice. 

Celebrate Milestones

Walking the path of Milestones includes periodic celebrations both as a family and as a church body.  Celebrate these as your child passes through them.  Use these opportunities to make this a fun, memorable, exciting time in your child’s spiritual life.


Credit belongs to:

Pastor Brian Haynes and to Kingsland Baptist Church. 
For more information:

Milestones Journey

Milestone 1

Establishing Faith at Home

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We consider it vital to establish a pattern and a lifestyle of faith at home. This milestone emphasizes mom and dad developing their own faith, understanding the development of their child and building biblical foundations to last a lifetime.

Core Competency

The parent as the primary faith trainer.

Family Celebration

Dinner with parents

We encourage all families who are dedicating a child to share a meal with their parents.  The purpose of the meal is to allow grandpa and/or grandma to share what God has done in their family’s life.  We encourage honest reflection on the experience of raising kids, with the focus being on God’s work in the family over the last generation.

Church Celebration
Recommended Reading

Child Dedication and

Parent Commitment 

In our Parent/Child Dedication, you are making a vow and commitment to take care of your child, a gift and heritage from the Lord.  Similar to your wedding day, the vow made is only the beginning.  The words you promise are lived out day to day. 

The Pursuit of God ~ A.W. Tozer

Shepherding a Child's Heart ~ Ted Trip

Milestone 2

Teaching Gospel Foundations

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The single most significant milestone in a person's life is salvation.  This can happen any time. We encourage parents to intentionally teach the gospel truths of Jesus Christ, forgiveness for sin, repentance through faith, and salvation by grace to their children, knowing that God is the one who saves and trusting in Him and His timing.  

Core Competency

God, Faith/Belief In Jesus Christ, Biblical Truth, Personal Sin, Repentance, Salvation, Baptism

Family Celebration

Presentation of a New Bible

We encourage families to give their child a new bible either with receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or when their child proclaims their faith through baptism.  

Church Celebration


Baptism signifies our new life in Christ. It beautifully illustrates two wonderful truths. 1) The death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2) The truth that our "old man" is dead and buried and we are a new creation with a new life in Jesus Christ.  Baptism does not save us. Rather, it is a response in the present to what God has done in the past. It is an outward expression of an inward faith in Jesus.  We encourage each believer to be baptized.

Recommended Reading

Parenting is Heart Work ~ Turansky & Miller

The Jesus Storybook Bible Deluxe Edition ~ Zonderkids

Milestone 3

Preparing for Adolescence

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In this season of life, children begin to transform into adults.  Too many of us experienced this season with hindsight instead of foresight.  What if we helped our children walk through this season of questions and curiosities with an open dialogue and a gracious ear? Who am I? Where do I belong? Let us help them find their identity, security, significance, and strength in Jesus Christ.

Core Competency

Identity, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Disciplines

Family Celebration

Road Trip

We encourage parents to take their child on a road trip. The purpose of this time is to get away form the norm, talk about changes to come, emphasize the identity we have in Jesus, and to establish open communication through this traditional stage

Church Celebration

Sixth Grade Ropes Course

In our day on the ropes course we enjoy time together as a group of families, attempt some physical challenges and connect them to the spiritual and emotional challenges facing us in he upcoming years.  We encourage parents to participate along with their child and share their fears and joys, hopes and dreams, and walk with God through it all.. 

Recommended Reading

Raising a Modern Day Joseph - Larry Fowler

Marching Off the Map - Tim Elmore

Milestone 4

Developing Purity for Life

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God calls to holiness in all areas of life.  We aim to help our children walk with integrity and purity throughout their life.  We aim to help them develop healthy patterns and habits, relying on Jesus Christ to lead them and guide them daily.  

Core Competency

Biblical Purity, Healthy Relationships, Identity In Christ, Biblical And Cultural Sex

Family Celebration

Parent Commitment of Support

We encourage parents to keep an open conversation with their children regarding purity in all areas of life. We hope parents do something memorable with their child and give them something meaningful to their child connected to purity that communicates a willingness to have the awkward and difficult conversations in life. We also hope parents communicate an unconditional love and meaningful care for their child in this season.

Church Celebration

Seventh and Eighth Grade Retreat

We split our guys and girls up for a weekend to open the conversation of what it means to have biblical and life-long purity.  God calls us to holiness, to be set apart, not only sexually, but in every area of our life. We utilize this weekend as a catalyst for the conversation, not an end to the matter at hand.  Lord willing, teens feel free to ask the hard questions and seek wisdom as they mature.

Recommended Reading

Lead Your Teen To A Lifelong Faith - Joe White And Jim Weidmann
Passport 2 Purity - Dennis And Barbara Rainey

Milestone 5

Training for Godliness

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People develop many habits in the teen years.  As parents keep the conversation open with their children and give them increasing responsibility we hope that godly character is cultivated, motivated by faith in Jesus.  We can help our children understand various roles in the family at home and in the family of God.  We can also help them find their place and role in the kingdom of God.

Core Competency

Roles Of Men And Women, Spiritual Gifts & Service, Core Truths

Family Celebration

Rite Of Passage Ceremony

We encourage all families to create a rite of passage specific to each child to help them make the transition into adulthood.  As they begin to understand their faith in Jesus, their own spiritual gifts, their role in the kingdom of God, show them support and give them a memory to help them make this transition.

Church Celebration

We do not currently have a church celebration for this milestone. 

Recommended Reading

Raising A Modern-Day Knight - Robert Lewis
Growing Strong Daughters - Lisa Graham McMinn

Milestone 6

Launching Into Adulthood

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Making a transition into adulthood has always been a challenge, and maybe even more so today.  We need to help our children grow into contributing members of society, Lord willing, with a faith in Jesus and a desire to serve Him regardless of education or vocation.  In preparing for this moment, we encourage parents to help their children develop the life skills, biblical skills, emotional skills, and relational skills necessary to navigate the life decisions waiting for them in their twenties. 

Core Competency

Apologetics, Dating/Marriage, God's Plan For Me, Person Of Influence, Life Skills

Family Celebration

A Written Blessing

During the Church Celebration we provide a time and space for parents to share a written blessing with their child.  The intent of the written blessing is to share with the child how much you love them, what you see in them, encourage them in their future, how you will support them and continually encourage them in their walk with Jesus.

Church Celebration

Senior Celebration 

We gather together as a church family to send our graduates off with a blessing. We intend to encourage, support, and affirm our seniors as they head off into their next stage of life.  Many members write notes to the seniors in order to encourage them and let them know they always have a church family with us. 

Recommended Reading

The Ever Loving Truth - Voddie Baucham

How To Stay Christian In College - J. Bidziszewski

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Parenting Class offered during 2nd service,
Starting January 12th


This 6 week class will include videos, teaching, and discussion.  It is for parents with children of any age yet still in the home.  God’s grace is for the 6 week old, the 6 year old and the 16 year old. Come to fine tune, redirect, or even establish your parenting habits based on God’s grace for us.

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Healthy Homes Series ~ "Putting God First, in Every Part of Life"

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As part of our Healthy Homes Series we will be offering a "Vertical Marriage" Sunday School class during second service.  The class will start October 27 and end November 24.  See event below to sign up online

Vertical Marriage

Upcoming Events

click on an event for more details

Covid-19 update for our events:

All dates through 2020 are tentative, and subject to change.  



6th Grade Milestone

1:00pm - 5:00pm





Healthy Homes Series ~ Finance Class




- 6



Whole Church











- 20



Day Camp (5th & 6th Grade)




- 20


Whole Church

Family Camp

Wednesday - Monday



- 14

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